Thursday, 27 August 2015

Inferiority complex (Old Blog)

I think it's fairly easy to spot my inferiority complex.  It's all over this blog and all over my psychology.  It's worth bringing up at this point because I've been dancing round a crucial factor in my fantasy creations, and exploring this factor could be a very useful tool in keeping my fantasies from interfering with my reality.

My inferiority complex probably comes from a range of different places, and serves mostly to frustrate me and those around me.  It's a big thing in my life, and it's part and parcel of my addictive behaviours and the cycles and spirals that I get myself into.  Let's have a look, shall we?

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

I think it might be working (Old Blog)

I feel so cheap
I think this blog might actually be working.

It still takes up my time, and I count it as one of my projects that distracts me from my work and my family life, but I think I may be having some success at keeping a lid on things.

I've had two flare-ups over the past week, here and here, and while the second one did involve a textbook Flickr rabbit-hole, my temporary obsession pretty much ended with my funky little ligature that I've started to use to sign off.  I like ligatures.

Having a place to vent, and I do think that vent is the right word for what I'm doing, is proving useful.  Also, I've found a couple of blogs by people who are in much the same position, that of trying to find a useful and practical way of incorporating their submission, both sexual and non-sexual, into their daily lives.  I'll be linking to a few useful posts as soon as the person gets back to me.  It's always polite to ask, and as you will hopefully see, asking nicely is one of the ways that submission can be expressed.  Stay tuned.

But yes, this morning I've woken up well-rested, well-vented and reasonably able to get on and do some actual work, which is what I'm supposed to actually do.  I'll post more about the thinking behind it at a later stage, when I have more time.  Check it out, I just put off a project until I have more time.  That hardly ever happens.

Time to celebrate with a cup of tea...


Tuesday, 25 August 2015

The Changing of the Seasons (Old Blog)

This is what my life will become
in about a month's time
It's that time of year again, the nights are drawing in, and the seasonal aisles in supermarkets are filled with Back 2 School festivities.

Yes, September is almost here, which means two things.  It's going to be Sissy Season, and shortly after that we'll have a glorious few months of boots.

Before I get onto the subject of sissies, and expound upon one of the most time-consuming and in-depth fantasy projects in my arsenal, let's take a moment to appreciate the wonders of knee-high boots in the autumn.  Colleagues wear them at work, and so do many of the young people with whom I'm privileged to work.  It's a wonder I get anything done at all between Summer and Spring.

The word 'trueffelschwein' springs to mind...
Also, apparently I can hack around with the HTML and get a set of three pictures with a single caption
My blog-fu is best

Monday, 24 August 2015

My Women Thing (Old Blog)

I think it's fairly safe to say that I have a thing for women.

This particular post has been a long time in the making.  About a week, on and off, with large chunks of earlier drafts saved for later.  Helen Mirren and Victoria Coren will have to wait.  Fourth and final draft as follows.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Posting woes (Old Blog)

Currently working on a big post about my thing for women.  Turns out it was a big one in many parts, then it started to become one really big one, and now I'm revising it back down to the basics.  I'll deal with various features in separate posts.

I'm getting so worked up about suffering cruel humiliations at the hands of feminine, elegant mistresses I'm finding it quite hard to focus on getting the words in the right order.

All I want to do at this stage is to be trained like this: this woman:

Can you see why I'm having so much trouble?


Thursday, 20 August 2015

Precipitous news (Old Blog)

Idly flicking though Google+, I see a news story about Charlotte Dujardin winning something.  Now, I already know who Charlotte Dujardin is, for reasons that will soon become exceedingly clear, but if you don't know who she is, let me cut and paste directly from Wikipedia for you:
Charlotte Dujardin OBE (born 13 July 1985) is an elite British dressage rider. The most successful British dressage rider in the history of the sport and the winner of all major titles and world records in the sport, Dujardin has been described as the most dominant dressage rider of her era.
As you can see, she's right up my street.  That paragraph could have been written specifically with me in mind.  She ticks soooo many boxes.  She tickles my pickle.

And because she's a dressage rider, here's comes a jump break just for you.  Don't say I never give you anything...

The Conundrum (Old Blog)

There is a conundrum faced by anyone whose internal life does not match up with their external reality, and I've concocted this handy graphic to illustrate it.  It's a scale between Real and Not Real, but the arrows between the bits are slightly misleading, as the relationship in every case is bidirectional.

Also, it's worth pointing out my belief that stock photography exists in its own special universe.  It only starts to make sense when viewed in terms of speculative fiction and world-building.  Moving on.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Inevitable cross-addiction (Old Blog)

Argh.  This blog has only been up for two days and it's already starting to eat into my free time and my sleep.  Last night I was up past midnight tweaking the page layout and writing the page about my Cinderella thing, and here I am at work on the sly the following morning processing the shame.  Still, this is a good example of how my addiction works, so let's take a look.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

My Cinderella Thing

I have a thing for Cinderella, and I have done for as long as I can remember.  By that I mean early childhood, long before puberty hit.  My thing for Cinderella arrived before I even knew what sexuality and sexual arousal were, before I knew what that strange feeling down there in my body meant.  Cinderella is why I believe that I was born this way.  Cinderella was my first encounter with the idea of dominance and submission, and I couldn't get enough of it.

That Picture on the Left

I can't think of a better thing to write about as I set up this blog for the first time than the picture I've included in the page layout.  It captures very well my submissive sexuality, so an examination of the various different ways it appeals to me is therefore in order.