Tuesday, 25 August 2015

The Changing of the Seasons

This is what my life will become
in about a month's time
It's that time of year again, the nights are drawing in, and the seasonal aisles in supermarkets are filled with Back 2 School festivities.

Yes, September is almost here, which means two things.  It's going to be Sissy Season, and shortly after that we'll have a glorious few months of boots.

Before I get onto the subject of sissies, and expound upon one of the most time-consuming and in-depth fantasy projects in my arsenal, let's take a moment to appreciate the wonders of knee-high boots in the autumn.  Colleagues wear them at work, and so do many of the young people with whom I'm privileged to work.  It's a wonder I get anything done at all between Summer and Spring.

The word 'trueffelschwein' springs to mind...
Also, apparently I can hack around with the HTML and get a set of three pictures with a single caption
My blog-fu is best

Moving on.  No, wait, how can I possibly move on when:

Stop it.  You're not helping.  Why aren't you helping?  STOP!
Right, moving on.  Hopefully.  Stay on target...

Sissy Season occurs usually in September, when my line of work presents me with lots of time on my own waiting for people to arrive and make enquiries about what I do.  This period usually lasts about 4 weeks, and has its busy periods.  During the quiet periods, however, the devil makes work for idle hands, and armed with only a pen and a pad of paper, I often return to an old favourite:  The Sissy Party.

It started years ago, during my largely computer-less time abroad.  I had a free couple of hours before the evening, I saw a dice and I had an idea.

Something along these lines
What if I was one of a group of sissymaids serving guests at a party, and every half an hour the sissymaids would be promoted and demoted to different ranks and positions based on random events from the dice.  I planned out some random character generators for the sissymaids and the guests, some random encounter generators and a system by which the top ranking sissymaid would get demoted and the bottom ranking sissymaids would have a chance to get promoted.  Essentially, I crafted a one-player role-playing game, using the random events to build a narrative which I would write in a notebook  Every half an hour from 6pm to midnight had three paragraphs describing what happens when I serve drinks to a group of guests in their 20s, what happens when I'm treated like a pet by a strict, older guest in a black silk gown, and what happens when I'm forced to lick the shoes of another sissymaid for the entertainment of the other guests.

To start out, each game was fairly straightforward, but after a few rounds a story started to emerge, with guests who'd enjoyed chatting to you when you were a higher rank returning at a later point in the evening to find you at the lowest rank.  Characters that were defined as 'friendly', 'aloof' or 'strict' according to the dice, got developed and fleshed out based on interactions with others and things that happened in the room.  Also, the interactions between the sissymaids often resulted in animosity, jealousy and revenge.  The Hostess of the party would show favouritism, the sissymaids would suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, and the guests would amuse themselves, rewarding or punishing the maids according to their whims.

And every year, at around this time, I tend to find myself returning to this activity, as all it really needs is a dice and some tables.  Last year I managed to get some userforms working in a Word document that did some dice rolling for me.  The result reads like a slightly rambling attempt at sissymaid erotica, but the act of producing it, with its reversals of fortune and random dice rolls, is a very enjoyable experience which kills a lot of time.

Except this year, when I plan not to indulge myself.  There are other, more productive things that I could and should be getting on with.  It's my continuing hope that by posting to this blog I can lance the boil and get on with my life without getting mired in my fantasy world.

We'll see how well I get on with that, because, after all:

Winter is coming...

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