Tuesday 29 November 2016

Updates and writing

Excerpt, excerpt, read all about it!

Chapter 10 is well underway, and my genius idea for this chapter is that it's all dialogue.  It's mostly a world-building exercise, with a few hints at a couple of things that are coming.  It's the Supervisor character talking on the phone to various young ladies and various submissives, arranging a month's worth of home visits between the two.  If you're new to the premise of my current work in progress, a good place to start is here.

So yes, the Supervisor's job is to arrange these home visits between young ladies and submissives, which involves a lot of telephone calls, which means I can write the whole thing as dialogue.  By this point in the chapter, the Supervisor character has already spoken to 3 young ladies (one of them twice) and one of her submissives, weaving a complicated web of offers, dates, and callbacks.  This particular excerpt is between her and a female submissive called Melissa who likes to serve as a maid.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Make Good Art

Does this picture really need a caption?
It's been a bad year...

Let me fess up:  I'm in a bad place, and I'm not handling it well.  2016 can officially get to fuck, for so many reasons, and while therapy is going well, it's a regular slot at the start of the week during which my anxieties are poked and prodded.  Current massive crisis detailed below.

This post is pretty much a list of what's going on at the moment for me, and how much of a mess I'm getting myself into.  Also, some vague and misapplied wisdom from Neil Gaiman.  Ready?