Monday 29 February 2016

This is now the blog

I have redesigned the blog, as you can no doubt see.  This is now the blog.

I've kept the old blog where it is, but marked it very clearly as the Old Blog.  If you scroll through a list of posts, it'll tell you that a post comes from the Old Blog, and if you're viewing a single post it'll give you a little box at the top, just like the Eye Candy posts do.  I can make my blog do all that, because code.

And now my first post is looking very prescient, as I've removed the wonderful picture from the sidebar.  But yes, this is now the blog.

I've also got Chapter 3 of HG done.  Chapter 1 was fairly straightforward, Chapter 2 took things a little bit deeper, but Chapter 3 was the first big scene, and it's been quite unpleasant for my main characters.  Things will start to get a bit brighter for them in Chapter 4, so that's something to look forward to.

So yes, this is now the blog.  Expect updates, shameless plugs, behind the scenes tidbits and some sample chapters once I've polished them up.  In the meantime, content yourself with the fun fact that the current work in progress is me working through my issues with work.  There's a shameless author self-insert, and a former manager in there.  Another former manager pops up in Part 2.  Also, I appear to be doing a trick with the thought processes of my main characters between chapters.

Also, it's fair to say that this whole writing thing seems to be keeping me more or less on track.  I feel good about it, although I start to get a bit antsy if I don't get time to do the writing.

Still, it's a good thing.  And this is now the blog.



  1. Lovely new design, and I, for one, welcome the new authorish overlords!

    Have you considered a twitter presence? You may recall that Tilly has book deals and articles and websites and followers all up in their bidness(?) - they came through twitter. I suspect that you may well be able to build something that I've not seen much monetised and tastefully so in this world - a decent following for decent writing.

    Just a thought!

    Mainly, I'm happy to hear of you writing and plying with redesigns. I look forward to samples and the chance to buy the finished product!


  2. Thoughts are good. We like thoughts. I'll sort all that out when I reach the mystical land of Having A Book To Flog In The First Place. I'll probably be spamming your Google+ in the first instance, and maybe I'll look at Twitter next. Faceberk scares me.

